Saturday, February 6, 2010

Male Genital Irritation From Soaps Female Genital Irritation??

Female genital irritation?? - male genital irritation from soaps

My friend told me about a problem, after about a man who is now inside and outside the vagina itching .. There is masturbating .. Virgo What possible? Is there a natural way, without help before with the doctor?


Raychel said...

Sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through sexual contact, even if it is about sex. Oral sex can cause sexually transmitted diseases and sex. liberated by your pediatrician or family Gyne clinic when she does that, find out their parents, should be evaluated.

Planned Parenthood has a website where you can have more information to see how to find.

Get checked immediately, such as sexually transmitted diseases may also have other problems, not only lead to irritation. (ie, infertility, PID, etc.)

mlgable said...

Because the itching is the possibility to her attempt to use an antifungal cream for several days. If this does not work, then you should consult your doctor.

♥betti cupcake♥ said...

were, a form of sex is ......... masterbation mutual could be a yeast infection that so need some Monistat or any other team in the yeast infection

Vagisil can help and

or it could be an STD like herpes is something that can be obtained frm the skin contact

and is also suppopsed wash their hands before touching you or Somone

If this situation persists or worsens during or after treatment of yeast infection, she has to say to their parents, and then immediately go see a doctor

I hope she feels better ..........

nremtohi... said...

Sounds like a yeast infection.
Monostatos creams Check at your local pharmacy.

If the problem to solve, does not need doctors.

If it persists, then I suggest you make an appointment with your doctor or local clinic. Several clinics have policies for privacy, even if the patient is a small and because they have no information to disclose to their parents.

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